NC1 N2 System
Membrane-based nitrogen generator designed specifically for shipboard use
• Achieves nitrogen flow up to 420 normal cubic meters per hour
• High-pressure booster compressor option up to 350 bar
• Typical purity range 95-99,9% N₂

Applications for NC1 N2 Systems
Applications for NC1 N2 systems include LNG carriers, alternative fuel ships, and chemical tankers.
LNG Carrier
Used for bleeding of the insulation barrier, purging, and seal gas.
Alternative Fuel
Used for purging of fuel systems and bunker lines, and also during the gas freeing of fuel tanks.
Chemical Tankers
Used for inerting of cargo tanks as a full inert gas system and for topping-up, as well as the purging and stripping of cargo tanks and pipes.
Ready to find your shipboard gas separation solution?
Air Products is the most experienced supplier in marine-based membrane systems.